March 29, 2019

Sometimes we just need to take a step back from all the doing, trying and yes, sometimes efforting too hard…in the wrong direction.

Goals, focus, and striving to achieve are all necessary aspects of being human and creating a fulfilled life. In reality, the time to be fulfilled is now…in this very moment, with this very breath you are taking as you read this.

Ups and downs, flips, twists and turns are the things that are simply part of life, and provide contrast that supports our growth and evolving wisdom. Practicing gratitude, choosing kindness, and remembering your big WHY, moment-to-moment is a powerful way to build your resilience to unexpected challenges and obstacles. To practice even for a single inhale and exhale is enough to begin.

Begin is the key word.

Gently, sweetly, giving yourself permission to pause, be in the moment…to listen to the whispers of YOUR calling…?…enjoy the journey!

quote by: Fabienne Fredrickson



You want to learn the mental, emotional, and physical skills that create a positive mindset, healthy body and balanced well-being. You’re ready to tap into your unlimited potential, and create a life you love.

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