January 14, 2019

As you move through your week at work and at play bring awareness to your words, thoughts and actions…begin to notice where you have taken on others expectations of how you ‘should’ act or be, but it doesn’t feel uplifting, expansive or joyful. That’s your signal to pause, take a deep breath and with curiosity explore the why of why you are doing/ behaving in a way that no longer serves you. Long ago it may have been just the thing you wanted or needed to do at that time, but without the light of awareness we unknowingly get caught in automatic thoughts, words, actions. With fearless curiosity take a look at one thing in your life that feels out of alignment with you and see what else is possible. Step- by-step positive transformation takes place. Breathe deeply, dance wildly, love the life you live ?


You want to learn the mental, emotional, and physical skills that create a positive mindset, healthy body and balanced well-being. You’re ready to tap into your unlimited potential, and create a life you love.

Let’s get started!
30-second questionnaire


Experience the power of movement,  deep relaxation or meditation, attend your FIRST mind/body class as my guest.
Click on the link below to select your class and enter ‘GUEST’ when prompted.

See you online soon!
Class sign-up