January 25, 2019

I think this message is for all of us ?

Just opening the book for the first time this morning (arrived in the mail yesterday) I was pleasantly surprised to see this unexpected sweet message, didn’t know I had received a signed copy. Somehow seeing Sharon Salzberg’s sweet wish gave me a sense of connection. I’ve never met her. It got me thinking…let’s not underestimate the power of a handwritten note, as simple as “hi!” or “I’m so proud of you” or whatever…write yourself a note of kindness, why not?

Texting is great, love it, and I prefer that over email, but a handwritten note can convey so much more. Think of handwriting as a form of art, self-expression. It’s like when we send a thought – which science tells us moves as fast, or faster, than the speed of light – an energy goes with it…a vibe…a feeling. Who can you give a post-it note of kindness to today?


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