January 19, 2019

95% of our thoughts are unconscious, which means we have some patterns of behavior and reactions that are super-outdated! Time to clear out the clutter and make space for thoughts that actually encourage and inspire us and take us in the direction we want to go. Unless we can be comfortable in the moment and see what stories are running through our minds like a wild wind, we may very well be undermining all our awesome conscious thoughts with outdated thoughts that take us in the OPPOSITE direction of where we want to go! Become a neutral observer of your mind and remember: don’t believe everything you think ?


You want to learn the mental, emotional, and physical skills that create a positive mindset, healthy body and balanced well-being. You’re ready to tap into your unlimited potential, and create a life you love.

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30-second questionnaire


Experience the power of movement,  deep relaxation or meditation, attend your FIRST mind/body class as my guest.
Click on the link below to select your class and enter ‘GUEST’ when prompted.

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