follow your path

follow your path

Happy rainy LA Saturday! So, if you’re bringing more and more awareness to your thoughts, words and actions, you can’t but help notice how you are FEELING! They are our in-built nav system that supports us when we make the decision to make choices for...
be love

be love

True love is unconditional, unwavering, infinitely expansive, and non-clinging, nor possessive. This month the air will be thick with thoughts and words of, and about love. Instead of being annoyed by the marketing, we can shift our perception and use it as an awesome...
yoga nidra

yoga nidra

Yoga Nidra anyone? Yay! Officially listed on the Amrit Yoga Institute website as a certified instructor. John Vosler and Renu (right; fellow student, Denise, on left) are awesome trainers in the deep science of ‘sleeping meditation’. You’re not...
power of thoughts

power of thoughts

Hi, this is part 2 of today’s post. Throughout time people have achieved great things because they have understood the super-power called THOUGHTS. This is a vast and infinite topic, but this quote by Henry Ford simplifies it beautifully. With 95 % of our...
calm stillness

calm stillness

The wisdom of your heart will never lie, it will only guide you towards things that make a causeless joy rise from within, naturally. Yesterday I suggested making a list of small things that bring delight and make you feel happy. And, do those things more often....